Saturday, February 25, 2012

Just A Song That I Like: Peter Fox, "Schwarz zu Blau"

After some reflection, I've determined that the only way I can maintain both this blog and my already-tenuous grasp on sanity is to occasionally just drop the Pop Music Will Save Your Life shtick* and simply share a song that I think is a cool song.

Peter Fox's "Schwarz zu Blau" came into my life just last night. The friend who introduced to me shared his own interpretation, which is that the narrator is walking the streets of Berlin at night watching the sky turn "slowly black to blue" (the title of the song) and contemplating the changes in the city and its population in the last century.

To which I say: KLINGT GUT.

(There's certainly plenty to contemplate, and the psychedelic nature of this video contributes quite a bit to that kind of historical reflection in its own way.)

What caught my notice about "Schwarz zu Blau" is the Lord of the Rings-style drama that really soars underneath the chorus. I definitely think it supports my friend's assertion that this song somehow encompasses 20th-century Germany.


Please enjoy.


*Only 35% of this Pop Music Will Save Your Life shtick is actually shtick; the other 65% percent is dead serious.

Update 3/31/12: Had to switch out the videos since the one I originally posted fell victim to Copyright Wars. Plz enjoy the song still, but ignore what I said about the "psychedelic nature of the video". This video is not all that psychedelic.